Saturday, February 4, 2012

Building a House

We are building a house.  Well actually, up until this point, Jeremiah was building our house and has done a fantastic job, but we are beginning the process of finishing it out.  It is a huge undertaking for us. I think a lot of people dream about building their own house.  Finding the perfect floor plan, picking everything to your exact taste, and of course getting the ultimate dream home 2012 :):)  I hope you know I am kidding, but in case my sarcasm has not come through, I am kidding.  Now don't get me wrong, I am thrilled and excited beyond what I can tell you about our home.  However, I find myself with anxious thoughts a lot of the time:  I hope people like the way my house looks. What if I hate something we chose but its too late to change it?  I like nice things, but don't want to spend too much on it.  I wonder if my friends and family will walk in and immediately criticize choices we have made and mentally be 'fixing' everything we did wrong.  See, it's  a lot of pressure to build a house :).  I am not feeling sorry for myself here, but I am noticing my tendency to stress and worry instead of just create what I truly, deeply, honestly do want.  I want a beautiful, inviting, warm, welcoming, and safe place to raise my children, spend time with friends, host parties and just be with people we love.  A place where people feel free to drop by for coffee or a glass of wine.  A place my kids and their friends will want to hang out, eat our food, watch our tv and know they are welcome.  I know this may all just be wishful thinking, but when I look back at this house, I am not going to remember the tile I chose for the bathroom, or the fixtures on the ceiling, or the flooring in the great room, or the color on the walls.  I am going to remember moments with family and friends. Birthday parties, girls nights, small group discussions, visits from long distance family, and maybe even the birth of one more kid.  That does not mean I do not want it to be beautiful, of course I do, but I just want it to be so much more than that as well.

Here are a few pictures of the progress so far.  I'll post more as the work continues.
Our lot before any work began

Foundations are boring but very important

Everything framed

Dining room into Living room

We have siding and paint :):)

The Kitchen in dry wall stage

Looking at the living and dining from the kitchen


  1. awesome! I love it. I love watching the progress, what we can see from the outside anyway, as we drive by or walk into town. It will be awesome, no doubt, no matter what fixtures and paint you choose. Also, I cannot wait to go inside once it's all done. Maybe for a cup of coffee or glass of wine, but mostly just to mentally fix everything you did wrong. (hahaha, there's MY sarcasm)

    deep breath, girl~ you're doing great! look how far you've come!

  2. Well said, Erica! Your home will obviously be SO MUCH more than the walls and fixtures and furniture that fill it. And you know that. I just love that you said it out loud. Enjoy the journey. It looks amazing!

  3. I love your perspective on your new house, you are so real and transparent....its refreshing erica! People will always find something to criticize (like maybe my spelling of the word criticize?) And Lord knows we can be the most critical of ourselves.....but as long as your heart is worshipping the creator and not the created you will be able to laugh them off. It is beautiful and your family will fill it with so many wonderful moments and memories.
    I for one cannot wait to spend time during girls nights in that wonderful living room!
    You should have a work party too! Provide pizza,etc. For a Saturday of helping out. Many people have suggested that to us as we still have yet to finish painting the outside of our house.
    Love you girl and I love all your honesty!

  4. Erica... it isn't the tile or the fixtures that make your home a home.. it's the people who live there.. you, Hayne and your children, make your home a home.. an inviting come, stop by for wine or coffee home.. I'm sure it will be a wonderfully inviting home! :)
