Saturday, November 12, 2011

Thankful Tree

It is the season of thankfulness.  Last night when I put Alathea to bed, she wanted to pray before I did, which is pretty much par for course with her right now.  On this particular night, she went on a thankful rampage. She began thanking God for an awesome hike, that was awesome, awesome, awesome, and went on from there.  I had to put my head down to keep from giggling at all her thankfulness.  I even posted her prayer to my facebook status because it struck me as so charming and sweet.  What came to me later was the beauty of her thankfulness.  She did not even think to ask for anything when she prayed.  All she did was thank God for the things that matter in her three-year-old world.  She did not know she was doing it, never the less, Laela reminded me how much there is to be thankful for in life.

I decided we needed to remember all the things for which we are thankful, so we made a thankful tree.  I totally stole this idea from pinterest, but I love it.  We found a Mason jar in the kitchen, collected a bunch of sticks from the yard, and created the 'tree.' Next we cut out circles from construction paper, wrote what we are thankful for on them, and attached them to the tree.

Both Laela and Cord really got into the idea.  They loved to color and cut and place the circles on the tree.  We made quite a mess.

In the end, we had a thankful tree.

This tree sits in the dining room, which is in the middle of our rental house. It reminds me every time I see it, to be thankful. Every time we eat breakfast, we add to our tree something that we are thankful for that day.  We have everything from family members to treats that the kids love - we even have football, because nothing is too silly to be thankful for in this family.

I know that in life there is a lot of pain, disappointment, and loss.  Thankfulness does take away the need to grieve.  The thankful tree is just to remind this family that even though life is sometimes really, really hard, there is hope.  There is something for which we can give thanks.


  1. I can't wait to see this beautiful tree next week - something I will be VERY thankful for! Love to you all, nonnie

  2. Ah, this just blesses my heart! So dear. So sweet. So important! Love you guys!

  3. I loveit!!
    So much so that I think we are going to do it today. Thanks girl for the inspiration.
